Guy Reviews Campsite Near Jackpot, Nevada That Would Make Uncle Rico Proud (WATCH)
I will admit that I am easily entertained, but this video is one of the more enjoyable I've watched on YouTube in quite some time. There's a guy who reviews campsites that found one just south of Jackpot, Nevada and it's one that Uncle Rico would be proud of.
I was seriously waiting for him to brag that he could throw a football over that mountain range. Really.
First of all, I have to say that any guy that reviews campsites is a dude that we need on our bowling team. Second thing is that van of his really looks a lot like Uncle Rico's from Napoleon Dynamite (not including the orange paint scheme).
But, it's his review that really entertained me. He seems very concerned about the bathroom, which he later refers to as "reasonable". Around the 1:45 mark, he refers to a nearby tree that he estimates may have "predators in it". Like I said, we need to bowl with this guy.
I was seriously waiting for him to brag that he could throw a football over that mountain range. Really.
If you need some weekend entertainment, please check out the entire BaconNBeer channel. I promise you it is time well-spent.