Media Still Can’t Fathom Support for Trump in Places Like Idaho
Lefties still appear surprised there is support for Donald Trump. You know, the guy who strengthened borders, achieved full employment and frustrated the Chinese. An editorial writer at the Washington Post believes you’re delusional if you refuse to accept the results of Election Day, 2020. After all, the liberals calmly accepted the outcome in 2016 and admitted Trump was their President! Oh, right.
After all, the liberals calmly accepted the outcome in 2016 and admitted Trump was their President! Oh, right.
I don’t need to do much to uncover signs of Trump support in Southern Idaho. A drive around most any side street in Twin Falls reveals more than a few Trump flags flying. Friends in multiple states share the same is going on where they live. People were commenting on social media on Friday about how the Post and the other big coastal papers were dragging their feet on Joe Biden’s great fall. Some in the British media (not known as fans of Trump) also noted the omissions. Late in the day, the Post and New York Times did publish short stories about Stumbling Joe. It took me 15 minutes to find it on the Post’s site.
Yet, these same media types wonder why tens of millions of people simply don’t trust what’s being reported. There’s a vegetable with his fingers on the nuclear football and we’re being told this is better than where we were only a few months ago.
I did feel sorry for Biden when he fell. Why is a 78-year-old man climbing an old fashioned staircase to board a plane? How come the guys in uniform at the bottom of the steps didn’t come to his assistance? How can media and Mrs. Biden subject the man to such embarrassment? Do you think the Chinese and Russians are taking notes?
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