Republican Ed Humphreys Plans to be Idaho’s Next Governor
I called Ed Humphreys a self-made man. It’s a good description. He’s only in his 30s and has a thriving financial consultancy business. His background is strictly blue collar. After bouncing around the west doing jobs many people would never want, he put himself through college and settled in Idaho. A few years ago he began taking an interest in politics. His clients talked about their own political concerns and he decided he needed to get involved.
Humphreys is working on raising his name recognition with what I can best describe as a news media barnstorming tour.
He quickly moved up internally in Republican Party politics. Finding himself one of the youngest members of a state committee, he decided it was time for a generational change. Less than one week ago, he announced plans to run for Governor.
Primary Day is 12 months out. Humphreys is working on raising his name recognition with what I can best describe as a news media barnstorming tour.
He would be challenging incumbent Brad Little. The Governor hasn’t made it official but is expected to seek a second term. Some polling shows Little has a commanding lead among GOP voters. Humphreys says you wouldn’t know it by talking with constituents at the street level.
Primary Day next May is the key. There are so few Democrats left in Idaho that Election Day is almost an afterthought. The top vote getters among Republicans in statewide races then simply wait for January of 2023 and assume office.
We spoke with Ed Humphreys on Newsradio 1310 KILX and 96.1 FM. You can hear our conversation below.
We’ll also be talking shortly with another entrant in the contest.
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