The NES Classic is one of THE must-have Christmas gifts this year. But, finding one in Twin Falls is like finding someone in the Magic Valley that voted for Hillary. Ain't happening. But, there is a rumor making the rounds that the Twin Falls Best Buy is getting them tomorrow.
If you take a quick look at the calendar, you'll notice that Thanksgiving is still over two weeks away, yet that hasn't stopped two California women from lining up for Best Buy's Thanksgiving Day sale.
The 2014 Black Friday ads are out! Part of being successful during Black Friday is having a plan of attack: know where you are going and what you are buying.
NOT COOL! I love me electronics! Last Friday I heard that some nationwide Best Buys were closing and I wondered if the Twin Falls location was one of them.
Roger Kline may have saved the day when a thief tried to make good with over $1,600 in merchandise, but his instinct to tackle the sticky-fingered customer didn't save his job. In fact, it got him fired.
I can now afford to buy my entire family their very own copy of Guns N' Roses "Chinese Democracy" now that Best Buy is attempting to unload the suck-tastic album for just $1.99. Basically, Best Buy paid a butt load to be the sole distributor for their album, the album bombed, and now Best Buy is kinda screwed...