Full Eddie Van Halen Instrumental Track ‘Strike’ From ‘The Wild Life’ Film Revealed
Back in 1984, Eddie Van Halen was shredding away in support of Van Halen's iconic 1984 album, but that wasn't the only music the guitar great was working on that year. Eddie was also involved with the soundtrack for the 1984 teen comedy The Wild Life, a film starring Chris Penn, Ilan Mitchell-Smith and Eric Stoltz. Over the last few years, the Van Halen News Desk has unearthed some of the original score pieces that Eddie Van Halen created for the movie, and another track has surfaced in full for the first time.
In the clip above you'll hear an instrumental, guitar-driven track called "Strike." In the movie, only a snippet of it plays as it coincides with someone bowling a strike at a bowling alley. The actual piece is longer than what's heard in the movie, with Van Halen teaming with Donn Landee on the song.
According to Van Halen News Desk, it's believed that the song might be one of the first recordings made with the Steinberger guitar. The trans trem bridge on the Steinberger has a very distinct sound and tonality.
The original soundtrack only featured one Van Halen piece, a song called "Donut City" that the guitarist collaborated on with Landee. It's an instrumental piece. But Van Halen was quite involved with the score, with tracks titled "Out the Window," "Top Down," "Back to School," "(Nearly) Good Enough," "All Fired Up," "Peeping Tom," "Fashion Dynasty," "Love Song" and "Driving Song" all being created for the movie. Van Halen offers a broader scope of his talents through the various pieces, with a couple of tracks being more keyboard-centric, and not every song is as rocking as "Strike."
Each of the aforementioned tracks can be heard at the Van Halen News Desk specialty page dedicated to the score pieces, with the promise of a tenth track coming soon. All the songs are the raw tracks Van Halen recorded for the movie in their original full length. Head here to listen to all of the songs.
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