A scenic overlook is any site that offers a commanding view of something most people would consider to be spectacular. Southern Idaho has no shortage of the types of vantage points that inspire people to get out of their cars to raise a beverage and cheers while taking them in.

I've stood at many southern Idaho overlooks and taken a deep breath and thought to myself, "Dude." To try to widdle them all down to a top five is impossible, but I'm going to give it a shot.

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Beginning in the city of Twin Falls, I have to give Perrine Bridge its props. Standing on the structure more than 480 feet above the Snake River is something special to behold. If you happen to be on the bridge at the same time the BASE jumpers are at it, it makes it even better.

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Perrine Bridge; Greg Jannetta

Here's one a lot of Idahoans I know have never taken the time to check out. Bruneau Dunes State Park has sand dunes that tower to over 400 feet, and taking a look down at "the pond" and the rest of the park offers a stunning view as well.

Bruneau Dunes; Greg Jannetta

Standing just shy of 10,000 feet, McGown Peak near Stanley Lake also offers an incredible view. I've never hiked to the top, but I imagine it offers one of the best views in all of Idaho.

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McGown Peak; Greg Jannetta
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Thousand Springs Park; Greg Jannetta

The road you take to visit Thousand Springs State Park in Hagerman offers numerous spots to pull off and soak the incredible landscape in. Kayaking around Ritter Island is a great reward for making the drive out.

Although I've never been there, Cervidae Peak in Boise is also supposed to be one of the best spots in southern Idaho. In 2016, the travel website Only in Your State put a list together of some other great overlooks in the region for you to visit.

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